• World’s Smallest Spraying Drone
  • Sturdy body made of Carbon Fiber Air Frame and 6061 Aluminum.
  • Precision Spraying System
  • PX4 based Autopilot
  • Full stack software for Spraying Service
  • 4 Nos Spraying Nozzles
  • Upto 15 min Flight Time
  • Li-Po Battery pack
  • All Up Weight Under 2Kgs including 500ml liquid payload

Be among the first to tap into the spraying service opportinuity

Own the most advanced aerial spraying solution in the world

10000 years of agriculture, a legacy in need of a catalyst

With less than 5 acres of average farm land, farmers in India struggle to apply modern farming techniques and resort to using antiquated methods.             

Precision Vs Mechanized Vs Manual Spraying

Aerial spraying is a technique in which a crop is sprayed with chemicals from above. This means that the chemicals are applied in an efficient way, without occupying any space on the ground.

As the foremost company in India working with a drone-centric approach to precision agriculture, we have developed an end-to-end aerial spraying solution.


KISAN DRONE is a business friendly end-to-end spraying solution, the open framework allows it to integrate it with other automation solutions and be part of them or work all by itself.

KISAN DRONE is world’s smallest spraying drone that makes spraying easier and more precise. It integrates a precision spraying and localization system to sensors and autopilot system, which makes it the most dependable aerial spraying solution in the market.

KISAN DRONE has been developed to be a better spraying solution for a number of spraying scenarios. It can spray crops without manual labor, or in hard-to-reach areas.

Keeping up with the prevailing laws can be a daunting task, leave the heavy lifting to us

Build your business with a location and situationally aware spraying system

Our flight stack are updated frequently, benefit from the most up to date regulatory stack

Whether you’re a spraying service provider, a plantation manager or vineyard owner, KISAN DRONE is the perfect way to help you get your spraying job done. You can adjust parameters of topology, crop and the drone with our smartphone app, making your work easier while achieving optimal spraying


Localized variable rate spraying

The micro category spraying drone can get very close to the canopy of a crop or plantation and apply a precise amount of chemical.

KISAN DRONE has spraying nozzles under each propeller allows it to propagate and scatter the droplets evenly through the plant foliage. This improves efficiencies of pesticide and will result in overall reduction in the amount of pesticide applied. The onboard sensors allow the drone to follow the terrain and also tag along the crops.



Simple or complex, Tall or short, big or small you are covered. On demand spraying, whenever or whereever it is needed

Open framework

Open framework allows easy integration witth 3rd party AgTech and automation solutions


Locational awareness helps factor geographic and man made structures

Autonomous spraying

Repetative spraying can get quite mundane, why put a human for a machine’s job. Autonomous operations allows you to spray throught the crop’s lifetime without too much effort

Precisely controlled

Variable rate spraying combined with the ability to precisely control the quantum of application.

Fast turnarounds

Quick swap batteries and easy refil tanks reduce the downtime between recharges and refils

KISAN DRONE has been designed from the ground up to be a Spraying-As-A-Service offering, that can fit into the complex realities of Indian agriculture.  It also opens up Indian agriculture market to precision agriculture methodology, that has unique challenges due to highly fragmented land ownership and incoherent farming practice.

KISAN DRONE is efficient and cost effective solution for farmers to combat pests and diseases in their crops. It’s a safe and efficient way to control harmful fungi, insects, and plant diseases.


The purpose built KISAN DRONE end to end spraying solution include ground station, mobile apps, web apps and analytics and billing software.

Inside the most advanced spraying systems

Airframe Material
  • Carbon Fiber
  • 6061 Aluminum
  • Engineering Plastics
Aircraft Configuration
  • Quadcopter X
  • Fixed Landing Gear
  • 12" CFRP Propeller
  • Lithium Polymer
Flight Stack
  • PX4 derivative
  • Motor to Motor diagonally 600 mm
  • Height 300 mm
  • All Up Weight with payload 1950 gms
  • Payload 500 ml
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Magnetometer
  • Barometer
  • GNSS
Flight Parameters
  • Flight time upto 15 Mins
  • Flight Range upto 5 Km
  • Flight speed upto 10 Mts per sec
Spraying parameters
  • Sprays 50 ml to 120 ml per min
  • Sprays 1 Acre on single charge
  • 80% droplets are about 150 microns
  • 1 Mts wide spray swathe
  • USB
  • SD
  • 5 kms Radio link range

It is versatile and has the ability to handle different types of crops such as orchards, vineyards, plantations, cash crops, vegetables, and grains. KISAN DRONE can work as a swarm by coordinating with other drones in order to cover large swaths of land.

Flowers and vegetables

Tea Plantation


Beyond spraying, the integrated GPS and the companion software allows KISAN DRONE to avoid overlaps in spraying, keep up with the weather trends, fly and spray with the optimum speed and rate over the corners and boundaries to reduce losses due to drift.

The drone can adapt to static variables such as topology, dynamic variables such as weather and to crop specific variables. It can also handle sophisticated chemical compositions that have increased in complexity over time.

Every Drone has a story

What began as a side project, to build a 20 liter spraying drone, quickly became an object of focus and an important problem four us to solve. In the quest to address the spraying needs of indian farmers, who have unique challanges such as fragmented land holdings and use of manual labour to spray chemicals, we observed that using large drones to aerially apply chemicals in such an enviernment is impracticle.

We took a bottom-up approach to applying chemicals. Imagine if we could apply a precise amount of liquid at a specific location on a predetermined time. That’s precision farming so to speak, but a technique that has been elusive to the Indian farming community.

KISAN DRONE is will continue to evolve and become a precise solution of appliying chemicals and also a profitable business opportinuity

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